Magdalena & Judith

a site to host information about my original nun and demon characters, magdalena and judith.

"I beg forgiveness for the sins not yet committed, I am guilty for the crime of wanting"

Magdalena Alighieri

the icy, stern reverend mother of a convent in rome. her polished demeanor provides the perfect disguise for her dark secret.

"I am nobody's moral center"


the fallen angel turned succubus with neither heaven nor hell on her side. she yearns for nothing more than pure freedom.

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Magdalena Alighieri

age: 55
pronouns: she/her
gender: female
sexual orientation: lesbian
eyes: blue
hair: brown with some grey strands
height: 5'5
build: average
occupation: abbess
zodiac: virgo
mbti: istj-t


the story takes place somewhere between the 15th-16th century (i don't think this is the time period i'm going with anymore...but i am still deciding). magdalena has been a devout catholic her entire life, and as she progressed to adulthood she managed to become an abbess of a convent in rome. at this time, the role of abbess is one of the highest positions a woman could reach within the catholic institution. needless to say, magdalena has fought tooth and nail to be where she is now. as a woman in a male dominated world, she has learned that perfection is required if she is to be respected or taken seriously at all. she cannot afford any risks. one single misstep and her entire life could fall apart.enter judith. one night as magdalena falls asleep, she drifts off into a dream--or at least, what she suspects is a "dream" (in the sense that it is a world entirely fabricated by her psyche, and not something that could lead to consequences in the real world). in this dream, she meets a younger woman with jet-black hair, lilac eyes and ghostly white skin. in spite of her best efforts, magdalena could not ignore the allure of the woman's voice, the mystique of her beauty, the way the woman's red dress cascaded down her body. it was not long before magdalena found herself unable to ignore the woman’s gentle touch, the softness of her skin, the feel of her lips against her own—magdalena thinks nothing of the dream when she wakes up the next morning. that is, until she spots a suspicious bruise on the side of her neck. this is quickly followed by finding her bible spontaneously opened to the page that displays, “the book of judith,” and the story of judith and holofernes. "judith," she concludes. "her name is judith."magdalena meets judith at a point in her life when much of her past begins to catch up to her. you see, magdalena has always been aware of the way other women make her feel. however, she refuses to accept it, let alone acknowledge it. for she knows that if word got out about her intimate feelings towards women, she’d soon find herself dismissed from the convent and virtually blacklisted from the church. or worse—she could find herself institutionalized.later that night, magdalena finds judith in her dreams again. these dreams become more frequent, and though they seemed mostly harmless at first, magdalena quickly suspects there may be more malevolent, supernatural forces behind her amorous visions.little by little, judith makes her presence even more known to magdalena in the waking world.


super jaded woman in her mid-50s. very stern and icy demeanor. as head of her convent, she runs a tight ship and is very much a perfectionist (often to her detriment). though she is a devout catholic and truly does believe in and care about her faith, sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether she sticks with it out of genuine devotion, or because it conveniently allows her to place herself atop a moral pedestal. (of course, she gets her ass handed to her the moment judith enters the picture). she rarely shows her softer side (she believes that to be taken seriously she must be “hard and masculine”), but when she does, she likes admiring the roses in the prayer garden, playing piano and taking care of the convent cat


age: hundreds to thousands of years old (appears 28-29)
pronouns: she/they
gender: ???
sexual orientation: bisexual
eyes: lilac (can glow)
hair: black
height: 5'8
build: average
class of demon: succubus
zodiac: capricorn
mbti: enfp-a


judith was originally one of the angels that lived in heaven alongside god. however, she was frustrated that she was not allowed to think freely or speak her mind. and whenever she dared to, she was either blatantly ignored or seen as a threat. fear of the threat judith posed to heaven grew and grew until, eventually, she was cast out in hell, judith supposed she would find better company amongst the rebels and traitors. but where she hoped to find like minded kin, instead she found the same problems and broken systems she faced in heaven. in a place where she thought she would finally have freedom, she is merely shackled down again, forced to serve as a succubus and use her body to secure souls for her unholy becomes very clear to judith that neither heaven nor hell will be able to help her. she accepts that if there's something she wants, she's the only one who'd be able to get it.


the demon ready to knock magdalena off her moral high horse (and have fun while doing it). at least in the beginning, judith is determined to get magdalena to accept the part of herself she’s chosen to bury so deeply (the lesbianism). judith is sassy, playful and flirty, however it’s all just a front she uses to protect herself. her dealings with god and satan, in combination with her experience as a succubus, have left her feeling like she’s just a Body, and that’s all she’ll ever be seen as. she has a lot of anger and frustration, and this manifests in her god/power complex (which is particularly noticeable when she’s with magdalena; perhaps it’s because lena makes it so easy for her). she presents herself as seductive and cool, but once you knock those walls down and make her feel safe she’s just a silly goofy gal (i can imagine that side of her being incredibly charming and endearing to later-story magdalena). characters i like to compare judith to include astarion from bg3, crowley from good omens, the creature from mary shelley’s frankenstein, and lily frankenstein from penny dreadful.